having the correct grass for your environment is the first step on the road to success. Many people do not realize that certain grasses react differently to the climate they are in. right under this you can get a good idea of what type you should be using.
There are multiple climates within each of these but typically this is a good blanket to cover the 48 connected states! Also another option for quickly getting the grass ready would be sod. Sod is more expensive than just the seed but once it is laid down it is practically ready to go unlike trying to grow the blades.
fertilizing and spraying is a great way to give your yard a boost! if you get your soil tested then you can find which mixture is perfect for you. There is three elements which are nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. each of these play key roles.
nitrogen-leaf growth and green color
phosphorous-root growth
potassium-overall health and ability to fight off disease
Watering the lawn is something that must be done for green and healthy grass. watering daily can help improve the yard. If you avoid watering in the heat of the day and do it in the morning and evenings can be very beneficial. If watering is done in the middle of the day it is fine if there isn't too much water. If there is then it can actually in a sense boil the grass.
Mowing with the correct mower can help greatly. If your yard is large then you can get a larger mower. If it is smaller then an electric or a push mower could be the best pick. Make sure that if you get a larger deck such as a 54" or 60" you can get around obstacles in your yard such as trees and what not.
Mowing includes more than meets the eye. You have to know the approximate growth of your yard and your ideal height. Typically in Oklahoma once every week or two. It depends on how fast it grows. Once you are mowing it is recommended to take off no more than a third of the blades. SO if you like your grass at two inches then you will want to cut it before or right at 3 inches.
Make sure that there are no patches of discolored grass in your yard. This can indicate overwatering or even a disease that has started going through the lawn. Another thing can be if you have had things sitting there or if it a high traffic area. Try not to walk in the same spots of the yard daily because this can stress the grass out and cause it to either discolor or die.
For any equipment to help reach your perfect lawn visit any M&D ENTerprises & Lawnmower shops or call and let us help you find the perfect equipment.